Marston’s Pedigree

Ahhhhh, English bitter.  How do I love thee?  For me, drinking English beers normally comes in waves, but this was a rogue one.  Still, I have never had Marstons, and the bottle beckoned me when I opened the fridge.

Marston's Pedigree

Marston's Pedigree

From a 500ml bottle with a very English looking label and the best before date on the back, this beer pours a tan brown, with hints of red to it. A small head dissipates quickly (like, before I was done photographing it), and settles to a thin film and ring that leaves a little lacing, but not much. There is a very light carbonation. Aroma is roasty grains and a bit of an earthy hop. Maybe a hint of apple to the aroma. There is quite a bit of hop feel, and a clear earthy herbal hop presence. There is also a wood note, which caught me off guard, until I read the neck label and found out it’s aged in oak casks. Makes sense. The grains are still there, but are much less prevalent. The finish is dry, almost like the tannin dryness of tea. Mouthfeel is smooth, with just a hint of carbonation. Out of the bottle, this beer is very nice and sessionable. I bet if I found it on tap, I might not leave for a long while.

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